Category Archives: Computer
What Does a Hard Drive Do?
Written on May 23, 2018 at 2:04 pm, by MwdataAd
It is always a great practice to understand how your computer works. It can help troubleshoot issues that you may encounter and to better educate yourself when looking for a new computer. With that comes one of the first things most IT people will mention is the hard drive. What exactly does the hard Continue Reading »
What computer is right for me? Part 3: Advanced User
Written on October 19, 2017 at 3:49 pm, by MwdataAd
What computer is right for me? Understanding what type of computer will work for the Advanced Computer Users. You would be considered an advanced computer user if you use a computer for video editing, animations, photo editing, and general graphic design with adobe products or any professional editing software. These editing software programs require Continue Reading »
What computer is right for me? Part 2: Intermediate User
Written on October 19, 2017 at 3:48 pm, by MwdataAd
What computer is right for me? Understanding what type of computer will work for the Intermediate Computer Users. You would be considered an Intermediate Computer user if you like to play video games on your computer. We are referring to games more advanced than Solitaire or Facebook games. Examples of the type of games Continue Reading »
What computer is right for me? Part 1: Average User
Written on October 19, 2017 at 3:48 pm, by MwdataAd
What computer is right for me? Understanding what type of computer will work for the average user. In the computer world, spending a lot of money doesn’t mean you’re buying “the best” machine for you. It usually means you’re buying additional features or upgraded hardware for specific functions that the average user doesn’t use. Continue Reading »