Category Archives: Increase Computer Speed

Easy Ways to Keep Your Internet Running Optimally

Written on February 14, 2017 at 8:08 pm, by

Internet Speed Ability Effects How Much You Can Do on the Internet There are several Internet speed packages offered; 2mbps, 4mbps, 6mbps, 10mbps, and 15mbps. You chose one of the packages with your Internet provider when getting your home connected. Once you hit your speed ability your Internet can appear slow or non-functional, but your  Continue Reading »

Uncheck ALL the Boxes!

Written on October 11, 2016 at 3:09 pm, by

Everyone always wants to know why their computer is so slow. Most of the time, it is because they have junk software on their computer that is slowing it down. It’s usually this grey area type software that may not be a “virus”, but it isn’t really something you want. Good examples of this type  Continue Reading »

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