The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently revised certain rules pertaining to the information that we have concerning the services we bill to you, known as Customer Proprietary Network Information or CPNI. This includes such things as the type and quantity of the services subscribed to, the equipment and facilities used, and the numbers, dates, times and durations of the calls you place.
Rock Port Telephone and Midwest Data Center has adopted a policy, as allowed by the FCC, where we consider that all of our customers have consented to the use of their CPNI by us, our affiliated companies and joint venture partners providing communications related services. This allows us to give you more personalized service and offer to you the products and services that may be of most use to you or provide cost savings.
You have the right under federal law to restrict the use of CPNI data, and we have a responsibility to protect your data. Your restriction of this CPNI data will not affect the service or services to which you subscribe. The restriction of use of your CPNI data will remain valid until you contact us in writing or for two years, whichever comes first.